If you invite me to come and minister in your church I am coming to help your church, I don't require anything but travel expenses and housing if you can provide a place to stay. If you want to give me a love offering, fine but I am not asking for one. I am convinced God will take care of me.  I only want to be a help and a blessing. 
Evangelism and Soul Winning Image

Evangelism and Soul Winning

Teaching the Saints to be Evangelistic Minded.
Teaching Opportunity Evangelism... Witness every day.
Church Evangelism - Knowing Your Town is a major assist in reaching it.

Missions Conferences Image

Missions Conferences

Missions conference Speaker or Participant to share "Preach the Word" Ministry. 
Faith Promise Missions Explained

Online Courses Image

Online Courses

Systematic Theology
Hermeneutics - How to properly interpret the Bible
Preaching through the Book of Revelation 

Pulpit Supply Image

Pulpit Supply

Pulpit supply for the pastor when He is on vacation or away.
Pulpit supply for churches while they are seeking a pastor. 

Bible Conferences Image

Bible Conferences

Expository teaching and preaching through Books of the Bible (I have preached through Revelation many times.  The longer books are impossible to do in a few sermons, but we can do a section that you think would be beneficial to the church.
Systematic Theology for dummies like me.
How to interpret the Bible
The King James Bible - Verbal Inspiration and Plenary Inspiration
The Preservation of God's Word